Monday, June 16, 2008

At the office

Peaches jie jie has been fighting with me most of the time at home, so Ah ma brought all of us to the office. Peaches jie jie is very fierce and I think it's due to her "heat". She wanted to look for a boyfriend but we are all girls, so she felt frustrated. She scratched my face last night and it was so painful. I wish her mummy will come and bring her home soon. DH is very angry too, because she peed and pooed every where. She refused to do it on the newspaper. Her mummy always brings her out, but Ah ma is afraid that she will get fleas and ticks. Ah yi always wants to bring me for a walk, but I am afraid that once I get fleas and ticks, Ah ma will not let me sleep on her bed.

See the red patch on my eyes, Peaches jie jie scratched me last night.

Ah ma scolded Peaches jie jie and she was so sad. She wanted to go home.
Hi, that's me Gabby Gabby and my Peaches jie jie in Ah ma's office

Today, I put on mummy's Blurrberry dress. It's a branded dress.

Peaches jie jie looked so cute with her new hair style. Ah yi tied her hair.

Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah ma's secretary sleeping on her job

We spent most of the time playing in the office with mummy

See, mummy is so sweet. She is just like a puppy, still so playful

Aunty Roxy woke up from her nap to join us

Hi, it's snack time. Mummy is smiling.

We are taking a rest after all the playing

Ah yi wanted to bring me for a walk

I refused to move. I do not like to walk with a leash on. I am a big girl now and I can walk on my own.

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