Everyday Aunty Roxy, Mummy and I will go to work with Ah ma. Rahman, Ah ma's driver will come and pick us up at around 11am every morning. Rahman is very afraid of us touching him. Sometimes we will try to be cheeky and frighten him by pretending that we are going to lick him. Mummy always wants to sit in the front seat so she can put her face near the air-con. She enjoys the cold air blowing on her face. Aunty Roxy and I also like to sit in front with Ah ma. So, we always rush to sit on Ah ma's lap. Rahman likes us but because he is a muslim, he cannot touch dog's saliva. We are very popular in the office. The staff will play with us whenever Ah ma and gong gong are not around. Ah ma's office is located near the main road so there are alot people passing by everyday. We enjoy barking at the people outside the office. Alot of muslim students will come and see us everyday. Some office girls will make friend with the staff so they can come and see us everyday. Sometimes when Ah ma is busy, we will stay at home. I will spend the whole day crying for Ah ma. When we are not in the office, alot people will come and look for us including the UPS, DHL couriers and some delivery men. When we are around, these muslim men are so scared of us coming near them and barking at them. They thought we were going to bite them.
Look, mummy always wants to sit at the centre whenever we are in the car .

Mummy is up to her mischief again, look at her cheeky face
Mummy trying to disturb the driver
That's me, your cute Gabby Gabby

I always want to sit close to Ah ma, because I get very nervous whenever I sit in the car

Mummy likes to lie on Ah yi's desk playing with the pen

Aunty Roxy's favourite seat

Aunty Roxy sitting quitely at the corner waiting for people to pass by

Every afternoon during lunch time, we like to sit near the door. Alot of office girls will come and see us. Some of them,will shriek with excitement. We will try to make ourselves look cute and adorable. Alot of people have not seen a cute poodle like me.

Awwwwwww very tired after all the barking, it's time for a nap

This my territory - under Ah ma's desk. Mummy likes to slept in the conference room and Aunty Roxy will sleep on the executive chair.

After my afternoon nap, Ah ma will give us some snack to eat

Aunty Roxy will run to the conference room to eat her snack be'cos I always snatch her snack from her. She is a very nice aunty and will always give it to me without fighting with me.

Mummy is always the first to grab the snack
See, I can stand on 2 legs

It's play time!

We are wrestling

Aunty Roxy playing with her toy ball

Mummy is tired and she is taking her afternoon nap
I was feeling bored so Ah ma gave me a bone to chew
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