Winter in Hokkaido was very beautiful and fun and they enjoyed the trip very much.
The food were very yummy too. They are planning to go back next year.
We were very well taken care by our new domestic helper from Philippines.
She can cook very well and everyday we finished all our food. Ah ma said
that the three of us have put on some weight recently. She is very kind
and she loves us very much. Ah ma is very happy now. She has been very
upset and stressed up since our old DH went home.
We changed 2 DH because they couldn't take care of us properly and the
food were so horrible. We have not been eating well for the past 4 months.
Ah ma did not see alot dogs during this trip because it was winter in
Hokkaido and it was very cold.
All the dogs and cats were staying indoor.
Ah ma made this glass from a block of ice.
Snow fishing
This place is a lake where ah ma and ah yi went fishing
It was very cold at night and this poor horse had to pull the cart behind him under the heavy snow. Ah ma was very sad when she saw this.
These were the cranes from the crane park. They flew here during winter.
They looked so clean and beautiful
This was the only dog that ah ma saw in Hokkaido
Angel - it's a kind of jelly fish only found in Hokkaido
Have you seen a Melon bear? Only found in Hokkaido
The Food in Hokkaido were very delicious and fresh. Ah ma said that this was best Japanese food which she has eaten. Hokkaido produced alot of seafood and diary products.
Hokkaido Ramen