Black stray dogs are very common in Taiwan. This dog belongs to a hawker that sells mee-sua with pig intestine.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Dogs in Taiwan
Black stray dogs are very common in Taiwan. This dog belongs to a hawker that sells mee-sua with pig intestine.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Ah ma bought a very nice birthday cake for me from the US Bakery.
I wished I can share this cake with my brothers Hugo, & Domo, Sisters Miso & Peaches
Mummy checking on the cake. She prefered di yi's tiramisu
Happy Birthday to my five cute and lovely darlings. Hugo, Domo & Miso on 31/10. Peaches & Gabby on 1/11
Aunty Roxy loved the rice very much. She has put on weight recently. New DH cooked very yummy food for us and we finished all our food everyday.
I missed my kor kor and jie jie. I wish I can celebrate birthday together with them again next year.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Aunty Roxy Is Sick
My two ah yis have changed their wardrobes since they are working now and they need a bigger wardrobe. Ah ma extended her room and now mummy and I sleep on a big mattress at the corner of the room with nice cool air con.
Aunty Roxy has not been feeling well for the past few days. She has been squealing very loudly occasionally. Ah ma was very worried because she thought that Aunty Roxy had hurt her legs or back. Our DH has gone back to Indonesia for the Hari Raya holiday so Ah ma brought us to work everyday.
Ah ma was afraid that Aunty Roxy might have hurt her neck or legs while she was carried down from the car on the way to the office. On Thursday around 5am, she was in pain and was shivering. Gong gong quickly brought her to the vet. She was hospitalised for 1 day. The vet checked her legs and neck but there was no problem so the vet did a blood test for her to check if she has any problem with her organs.
Luckily, everything was ok. Today, she was not well again, so Ah ma brought her to the vet together with Ah yis. Vet found out that she has wind in her stomach and advised Ah ma to make ginger tea for Aunty Roxy. These 2 consultations cost ah ma more than $760. Ah ma said we will not be having snacks for at least 3 months :( My Aunty Roxy is already 8 years old this year and Ah ma is worried that we may lose her. One of Ah ma's relative's dog passed away recently and she was 10 years old.
Joni Kor kor from Ah ma's office brought back alot of snacks for us from Bangkok. It's very cheap there, almost half the price of what Ah ma is paying at the petshop here.
Yummilious Lamb Fried Rice.
It was Aunty Roxy's 8th birthday in June.
I am very happy because my birthday is coming soon. I am going to ask Ah ma to feed me with my favourite Peking duck.
This is our new room. I sleep here with mummy.
Mummy will always ask Ah ma to bring down the mattress for us whenever the air con is switched on.
Mummy likes to walk on the slippery floor. Whenever we run too fast, we will slip.
We love to lie on the wooden flooring. It's very cooling.I like my room very much.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Lazy Lazy
I have not been feeling well lately. I had fever, vomiting and also having some skin problem. Ah ma brought me to the vet and now I am feeling slightly better but still feeling weak. I hope I can recover fast because this coming Tuesday is aunty Roxy 8th birthday. Ah ma is going to cook the yummy roast lamb for us. She also ask Joni kor kor (her office staff) to buy the special snack for us from Bangkok.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Peking Duck
This is the super yummy Peking duck from Imperial Treasure Super Peking duck restaurant in Paragon.
Ah ma knows that we all love the duck very much, so she will dine there with gong gong and my 2 ah yis every week. Even Tua Yi who doesn't eat duck loves this dish very much. Ah ma will pack the duck back for us. Ah ma told us that a few years ago, she and gong gong attended aunty Christine's wedding dinner with the ex-President of Singapore Mr Wee and his wife. During the dinner, Mr Wee requested for the waitress to a pack the Peking duck which they could not finish back for their dog, Lucky. Lucky is indeed a very lucky dog.
Alot of people may think that it's unhealthy for us to eat Peking duck and fried chicken. Ah ma always removes the skin and fats. She will also make sure that the meat that we are eating is not salty. We seldom fall sick. Ah ma said that it is better to be a happy dog who lives a shorter life than a miserable dog that lives a long life. I totally agree with her. We are very well taken care of by DH who loves us very much. She treats us like babies. Sometimes, she spends so much time playing with us in the afternoon that she neglects her work. I will pester her to play with us in the evening after she finshed her work. Ah ma is very happy when she sees us playing together with DH. We are indeed very lucky compared to the poor neighbour's dog, a Jack Russell who is being tied up at the car porch throughout the day. It's terrible especially during day when it's very hot.
Aunty Roxy sitting quitely at one corner so we will not fight.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Gong Xi Fa Cai
All these snacks will last for at least two months. Will ask di yi to bring some for daddy when she visits him.
Mummy checking out to make sure that these are all her favourite snacks
Mummy enjoying her beef jerkyUncle Jonathan told di yi that daddy has a new girlfriend. They have just bought a 4 months old poodle that has the same color as mummy. Anyway, mummy look sweeter and prettier than her.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Mummy was very upset and she did not finish her food.
After eating the chicken, mummy was very happy and she was smiling whole night. Ah ma and gong gong love us very much. They will do anything to make us happy. We are indeed very lucky.