Uncle Boy Boy was not interested in me because I am just a sweet little girl.
Aunty Roxy has changed after uncle Boy Boy left. She has became more affectionate and friendly now. Last time, she was very fierce and aloof.
DH used a vaccum cleanner to suck away the excess fur, otherwise we cannot sleep on the bed after grooming.

Do you know why mummy is smiling ?See, even aunty Roxy is standing up to eat the chicken. Aunty Roxy always behaves like a princess and ah ma has to put the meat infront of her.
Mummy is having alot of fun.
Mmmmm, it's yummilicious!
I wish I can eat this more often. We are indeed very lucky to be ah ma's pet. Not everybody has a chance to eat this special fried chicken.
Aunty Roxy is very happy too. She seldom smile so sweetly.