We celebrated ah ma's birthday yesterday. Ah ma was very happy because this year's birthday is very special. She received alot of birthday greetings from grand aunties and friends. Ah ma was very surprised that her cousin grand aunty Ah Tin remembered her birthday. Thank you grand aunty Florence, grand aunty Carrie and tua yi por for the beautiful flowers. Thank you aunty Carina for being so thoughtful. She brought ah ma a very nice present. - a burner and Lavender oil. Ah ma lighted it just now and we felt very relaxed. I think I should be able to sleep well tonight. Thank you uncle Daryl (di yi's boyfriend) for the tripod. Gong gong gave ah ma a camera lens. Ah ma bought a canon SLR camera recently.
Ah ma celebrated her birthday at Chef Chan's restaurant. Chef Chan prepared special food for ah ma. He even made birthday buns for ah ma. Chef is a very kind and generous man. He served geoduck (a very expensive shellfish that looks like a clam with a long trunk) in sashimi style, Szechuan pork wrapped with a pancake, his signature fried chicken, steamed fish in black bean sauce and a huge steamed snow crab with beer. (di yi said that it was super yummy) Thank you Chef Chan. Aunty Roxy, mummy and I will give you a big hug and a kiss when you visit us next time.

Happy Birthday my dear ah ma. I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!
This are the flowers made by our very talented grand aunty Florence

My two ah yis bought this special cake for ah ma. This is ah ma's favourite cake from Puteri Mas. They don't sell this cake in the shop, so ah yi had to specially request for it. It's a very simple coconut cake. Ah ma shared the cake with us and we love it too. Dogs cannot eat chocolate cake.

Happy birthday mum. I wish you good health and good luck.